Who is mystery man?
The seemingly-pained jogger has become a lunchtime institution around our waterfront suburb over recent years.
What sets our mystery-man apart is not visual. After all, he looks like many other fitness fanatics pounding our pavements.
His significant point of difference is auditory. Our man sounds like he is close to bursting his boiler or blowing a gasket.
If you’re out walking, you could be alarmed if approached by the Docklands Steam Train from behind. It’s fair to say that the term “puffing and blowing” applies.
We’ve often wondered who this guy is. Where does he work? What does he do? And, most importantly, why does he run? So hard? So far? In what seems to be so much pain?
So we tried to stop him for a chat one day. We’d like to ask if he would agree to being featured in our Docklander column but, guess what? Steam Trains don’t stop.
So, we’ve resorted to this publicity in the hope that someone will pass on our request for interview.
So, Docklands’ Steam Train, how about it?

The mystery case of Australia Day fireworks in Docklands