New Docklands Primary campus opens at the District

Docklands Primary School campus opening
Brendan Rees

A brand-new learning space campus for Docklands Primary School has opened at The District Docklands shopping centre, providing an environment for students to thrive.

The new space, which spans an entire first level, was officially opened by Labor Member for Northern Metropolitan Region Sheena Watt on March 26.

It features modern learning environments to help “creative thinking, promote STEM literacy, and inspire learning for life”.

The newly refurbished space also includes an exciting indoor play space complete with a much-loved gaga pit designed for a fast-paced ball game.


“The new Docklands Primary School campus is officially open, featuring modern, world-class learning spaces and a fun, interactive indoor play area,” Ms Watt said.


Docklands Primary School opened in 2021, but after it experienced rapid enrolment growth in its first two years of operation, the Department of Education established a temporary campus at level one in The District, situated 200 metres from the school’s existing site.

“The site has been leased for an initial term of five years, with a further five-year option exercisable by the Minister of Education, should demographic demand analysis show that this is required,” a statement from the government said.

Deputy Lord Mayor Nicholas Reece expressed his enthusiasm for the new campus.

“We were delighted to work with principal Adam Bright to facilitate the introduction to [The District developer] Ashe Morgan that led to the identification of this new classroom space,” he said. “Congratulations to Sheena Watts and Education Minister Ben Carroll for getting behind the project.” 

Cr Reece added the future was looking bright for Docklands Primary School “with a new park coming over the road and new cycling lane links making it easier for kids to get to school safely”.

“All we need now is a high school for Docklands, that is next big project for us all to work on.” 


Caption: Labor Member for Northern Metropolitan Region Sheena Watt opens a new Docklands Primary School campus at The District Docklands. Photo: Hanna Komissarova.

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