Soul of Docklands campaign launched

Soul of Docklands campaign launch
Sean Car

A new marketing campaign aimed at shining a positive light on Docklands and celebrating everything there is to love about our community has been officially launched.

In a bid to help those who don’t live or work in Docklands better understand its true character, the Soul of Docklands campaign shares stories of those who make it the special and diverse community that it is – Docklanders themselves.

In response to the often-negative perceptions many people have about Docklands, the new campaign celebrates the people, businesses and community groups that are helping shape the area by giving those who love it the opportunity to tell their story.

To kickstart the campaign, which was launched on March 19 at an event held at Berth in NewQuay, Soul of Docklands is sharing the stories of nine Docklanders via a dedicated website – – as well as social media and Docklands News.

The community will also have the chance to nominate individuals, community groups or businesses whom they’d like to see profiled in the future, and the public will be invited to share photography of their favourite moments or places to visit in Docklands.

The project is a collaboration between the Docklands Chamber of Commerce (DCC), Docklands’ four major developers – Lendlease, MAB, Mirvac, The District Docklands – and the North & West Melbourne Neighbourhood Centre (NWMNC).

Docklanders profiled have been interviewed by NWMNC’s Jason Butcher and photographed by Magnet Galleries’ Michael Silver, with the campaign’s design by Sylvia Hungria of Studio Vico.



Speaking at the campaign launch on March 19, DCC president Daniel Hibberd said that Docklands was all too often dismissed as a “lifeless concrete jungle” and the campaign sought to tell the true story about our beautiful waterfront home.

It marks the second time the DCC has collaborated with Docklands’ four major developers following the success of the Docklands Dollars 3008 initiative in 2022, which was launched in response to the local impacts from COVID lockdowns.

Mr Hibberd said he was thrilled that Soul of Docklands was the spark that brought this working group of competitors, a business committee, a retail centre and a not-for-profit together again.

“DCC is truly proud to support this project on behalf of our member businesses, and we hope it helps to raise awareness of Docklands as a must-visit destination on the map,” he said.

Mirvac’s general manager for residential Victoria Elysa Anderson added that the project was unique: “It’s not often you get Australia’s largest property companies coming together to create an authentic experience for the local community.”

“For the second time, our shared goal is to showcase the personalities and heart and soul of this thriving waterfront community and support local businesses by encouraging people to visit,” Ms Anderson said.

Local business owner, artist and sculptor Lucas Guilbert is one of the project’s participants. Originally from Montreal, Quebec, he has lived in Melbourne for 15 years and opened his sculpting studio in collaboration with the Renew Australia project in Docklands in 2023. Subsequently, he joined a pilot project with MAB, progressively improving his space and art.

“As a Docklands community member, I’m proud to be part of its soul and to be a face of this campaign. [It’s] not only a place that has enabled me to develop my craft and grow my business, but there is so much that makes it a special place to work and live, such as the incredible diversity of the locals, the nature, and the open space. I’m excited to showcase my community’s individuality,” he said.

MAB’s general manager marketing and communications Ben Earl said the campaign was “full of personality”.

“The interviews are authentic, entertaining and the stories behind the people profiled are fascinating,” he said. “We are hopeful this project will inspire others to contribute and share their Docklands experience or nominate individuals to be featured on the site.”

Lendlease social impact manager Jacquelin Saultry said she hoped the campaign could foster ongoing relationships and help to create positive social outcomes.

If you, a friend or a colleague would like to be interviewed and profiled in Soul of Docklands, please fill out the expression of interest form •

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