NewQuay traders roll their sleeves up
A revitalised traders association at NewQuay is getting down to work and is being noticed.
Since forming in March the small group has started advertising on commercial radio, is negotiating adequate precinct signage, is developing a laneways strategy and is having a say on appropriate entertainment options.
Group spokesman Paul Thickett said the group had been granted control of the $150,000 marketing levy paid to developer MAB.
The group has already committed nearly $100,000 to brand recognition radio campaigns, with a particular focus on the winter months.
And it is progressing in negotiations with MAB and VicUrban about getting entry signage at the corner of Harbour Esplanade and Docklands Drive.
Mr Thickett said it was important that NewQuay marketing funds be invested wisely to attract patrons for the precinct’s hospitality and retail businesses.
“In the past MAB have run the campaigns. We really feel passionate about the precinct and the businesses down here and want to serve them best,” he said.
And MAB is not the only organisation to be quietly challenged by the new group. The Docklands Chamber of Commerce is put out that the NewQuay traders are seeking a seat in their own right on the newly-formed Destination Docklands Marketing Committee.
Chamber president Keith Rankin said is was appropriate that the chamber represent all Docklands businesses on the new committee.
He said it would be “pointless” for the NewQuay traders to have their own seat at the table.
But Mr Thickett remains committed to seeking representation on Destination Docklands.
“We don’t want to stand on anyone’s toes,” he said. “And we’re not all that concerned about the politics involved. But we are very interested in how we can get things done down here.”