Lifeline for DCA
By Shane Scanlan
The Docklands Community Association (DCA) was revived at the last moment in October when it was looking like it had taken its last gasp.
As reported in last month’s edition, long-term president Roger Gardner failed to attract any participants, other than his son Matthew, to an annual general meeting (AMG) on September 14.
Although considerably short of a quorum and forced to abandon the meeting as well as seeking to retire due to ill health, Mr Gardner subsequently rescheduled the AMG to October 5.
Consumer Affairs Victoria model rules for incorporated associations generously lower the quorum for reconvened AGMs to just a minimum of three people.
The October 5 meeting attracted two extra participants, one of whom, John Kakos, put his hand up for the presidency.
Mr Kakos’s intervention is disappointing for some community members who deliberately stayed away from both meetings, hoping to euthanise to organisation and start something anew with a clean slate.
The DCA enjoys official status and, among other things, has an as-of-right seat on the representative group of the Docklands Community Forum (DCF).
Speaking as the president of the DCA at the forum on October 25, Mr Kakos said he intended to bring Docklands together.
“From my perspective, the DCA will have a new focus and vision with an emphasis on co-operation and collaboration with government and community organisations such as Development Victoria, City of Melbourne and local businesses,” Mr Kakos said.
“I hope to bring people together to promote Docklands as the premier destination in Melbourne.”
“Docklands is developing at a fast pace, not only as a tourist destination, but also as an environment and a great place in which to live and do business.”
“With the new primary school and with District Docklands retail centre, the Hoyts cinemas and many world-class events, these will all help to make Docklands one of the sought-after suburbs of Melbourne.”
“The DCA looks forward to being part of this exciting vision for the future,” he said.
Mr Kakos said he expected former DCA committee members to re-engage with the organisation.
“It has been explained to me that once Roger leaves, they will come back. That seems to be the common theme,” he said.

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