Begging to differ
I beg to differ with the sentiments expressed in the article “Even more government” (Docklands News, October 2017).
The Metropolitan Partnerships is not “government” but an initiative designed to enhance the engagement of community and business with local councils and the state government.
As a member of the Inner Metro Partnerships I hold out hope that the partnership will contribute to a sustainable metropolitan Melbourne for all through joined up government and engaged community.
Other members of the Inner Metro Partnerships bring a depth of community and business experience that along with the yearly assembly will provide another avenue of engagement for local councils and the
state government to consider in their decision-making.
The Inner Metro Partnership has identified “managing growth” as a key objective with
the priorities of inclusiveness, shared economic well-being and environmental sustainability. It’s worth a go!
Martin Brennan

The mystery case of Australia Day fireworks in Docklands