Columns » Letters

A call to register pets in Docklands
May I invite the City of Melbourne to take out an ad in the next issue of our local paper to educate my neighbours on why pet registration is important?
A vision for Docklands
Docklands can be the best suburb in Melbourne, but a vision must be clear to do that.
Read MoreCouncil’s funding of Docklands Farmers Market takes money from the communities in need
The City of Melbourne and Docklands Chamber of Commerce are planning to bring a monthly Farmers Market to Docklands by the end of this year. With the ongoing Senate inquiry into the major supermarkets’ behaviour, the more choices consumers get the better the outcomes for everyone.
Read MoreA new home for the Docklands Squid (Octopus)?
If and when the boat shed gets demolished at North Wharf, we at the Melbourne Seafood Centre would be happy to be the new home for “the Docklands Squid’ with the financial help from Developments Victoria.
Read MoreSafe space for dogs
I am writing to you regarding the situation we find ourselves in with such a shameful Melbourne City Council constantly disadvantaging Docklands as beyond reproach ...
Read MoreI can’t agree
As a resident of Docklands for eight years, I am bemused by the opinion of the City of Melbourne that occasional big events are seen as the best way to encourage and increase patronage back to Docklands.
Read MoreMy thoughts for Docklands
I would like to share some of my thoughts about a vision for a thriving Docklands.
Read MoreDirty with dog owners
Recently I took photos as I walked in front of the high-rise apartment buildings from number 50 Lorimer St to number 90 Lorimer St at South Wharf.
Read MoreEverybody in the pool!
In response to the request in Docklands News for comments on this proposal, I can only say that I would be delighted if this project were to go ahead.
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Begging to differ