Ease up on short-term
I am disappointed at the behaviour and reporting around short-stay accommodation.
This week I have written to the Minister regarding what I consider complete fabrication of the issues that have so far been levied against the sole trader in existence here.
I moved to Docklands in 2010 and from then on had issues from one, now defunct trader who closed their business in 2013.
The building is subjected to substantial noise and general poor behaviour, but not from short-stay tenants, but more likely from tenants and owners.
Certainly, from my observations of the past 12 months, drug taking, refuse being thrown from the building, trolleys left outside, music being played loudly, damage to vehicles, cigarette butts and people spitting from the balconies relate to those that have lived longer term but have scant regard for the lives and existence of those around them.
Then, besides all the overt behaviours, there is the covert behaviours: bullying by some of the community towards tenants and short-term operators, inappropriate and misleading signs about court outcomes.
As a bystander with no vested financial interest or relationship with anyone in the apartments (thankfully) I am astounded by the behaviour. We are not living in a third world country, nor some dictatorship. We are equally entitled to live quietly and peacefully without harassment and intimidation.
Until 12 months ago. I was happy to purchase in the building but it is clear that the lack of strong management and continuing infighting of the residents has led me to move away.
So perhaps, rather than assume that the guilty parties are short-term operators, perhaps you should now consider the other side of the coin.
Name not supplied
Noise was sickening
I must bring to your attention the continuing problems with having the Docklands Sports Courts right in the middle of a residential area. Not only are players using the courts after midnight and as late as 4am, waking residents, but Saturday 25 January 2014 there was a basketball event on.
That’s fine. What is impossible to deal with is the very, very loud thumping dance music that was not turned down by much when asked. What are residents to do? It lasted four hours!
Even with the doors and windows shut and blinds down we had to leave our home for the four hours because the rhythmic thumping was causing us to feel nauseous.
It’s unconscionable to preclude residents from a pleasant home environment and prevent us even getting some fresh air.
This noise started at 12.30pm and continued at fever-pitch until 4.30pm. A noise complaint has again been lodged with council but I expect them to deal with this as with others – no outcome.
Rose Mercer
Class 2 residential building classification
Our company was one of many building consultants, invited to make comments in the transition from the Building Code of Victoria to the Building Code of Australia.
At no time was there any doubt as to the full intention and meaning of Class 1 and Class 2.
This did not mean tourist accommodation which is specifically identified under Class 3 with additional safety and access provision.
Vested financial interests have taken advantage of the situation which is now out of hand and a residential problem.
For example, the developer/investor applies for a complex to build residential apartments with council. The building is designed, constructed to comply with Class 2 of the building code, avoiding Class 3 requirements, such as, fire and disability access etc, etc.
A high court judge in Sydney recently ruled that: “It can be clearly demonstrated that tourists and residents sharing common areas and exits do not mix and are not compatible.”
Here it should be noted that the hotel and transport industry released a memo expressing their concern of the illegal use of apartments for tourists.
This is in direct conflict and unfair competition with the livelihood of hotel and motel operators having to meet strict operating guidelines.
George E Saalmann
Alarm over Port noise
Now that Docklands has 10,000 plus residents I wonder how many other residents like me wake up to the incessant alarm than seems to be our everyday alarm clock from the port area?
There does not seem to be particular times that it starts, although around 6.30am everyday is prevalent, as well as various other times of the day.
There does not appear to be any control over the alarm which sometimes runs for over an hour which, in today’s regulations, suggests this uncontrolled alarm is breaking the law.
I know that, if this alarm was coming from a local Docklands business, that business would have by now felt the full force of the law and probably fined out of existence.
An alarm should not run uncontrolled for more than 10 minutes. It should be monitored, controlled and, most of all, should not be left to sound for almost three hours as it did on Australia Day.
The Port of Melbourne is an essential part of our wonderful suburb. The incessant noise is, however, not very neighbourly …
Name withheld