Planning process
Your editorial, and another article in the same issue, report that there have been or are moves afoot to place structures on the waterfront land that may adversely affect the visual and other amenity of the area.
If any of the areas in question are Crown Land, they may be considered “coastal Crown Land” as defined in the Victorian Coastal Management Act 1995. And if this is the case, consent under the Coastal Management Act may be a legal requirement. This consent has to be given by the minister responsible for the Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE), the Minister for Environment and Climate Change.
Planning permit matters are dealt with separately by the Minister for Planning.
A decision about Coastal Management Act consent must take into account, amongst other things, the Victorian Coastal Strategy and any coastal action plan applying to the land.
My experience is that in considering applications for consent, DSE requires proponents to undertake and report on diligent consultation with affected parties.
Any people who are unhappy about proposals could consider asking the authorities making such plans whether they have gone through the above approval process, and also that opportunity be given to provide comment on such applications.
John Kowarsky
Environmental scientist
Recycling drama
My name is Sandra Lobley I have been an employee of Springmount Services for about 18 months. We are the cleaning service for Harbour Town.
I have a complaint about them. When I first started working there, after a while I started recycling the aluminium cans, because I couldn’t stand them being thrown away into the normal bins.
Then I found out they weren’t recycling the glass bottles either. So I asked if I could recycle everything properly (on my time) and I got told no.
So I just kept recycling the cans, then I started getting told I couldn’t do that either.
I am a cleaner and they eventually handed me a written warning that if I kept doing it I would be sacked. For a little while they made out they were recycling and believe me when I say they do not.
The stores do, but the cleaning service doesn’t. They throw everything – cans, bottles glass/plastic in the normal big rubbish bin. There should be a law stating such a big shopping centre has to recycle. It’s in the best interest of our planet.
I do not care if you print my name. I have nothing to hide but please don’t print my phone number.
Sandra Lobley
The danger of complacency
It was alarming to read that the promised Harbour Esplanade parkland is in danger.
Surely this important development rises above economic considerations? Once the clear waterfront is lost to development then it’s gone forever.
The scheduled plan of a wide green swathe of parkland edging the entire length of the waterfront, from NewQuay right through to the Webb Bridge is inspirational. Trees and birds and water views – marvellous.
The Docklands development is uniformly grey, and on a dismal wet Melbourne day rather dreary. The area needs more park spaces, not more buildings, however attractive the dollars are.
I hope the Docklands News continues to show us residents the danger of complacency because I for one thought it was a finalised project, not one under negotiation. Selling off the farm indeed.
D McFadzean