Core strength and a healthy spine

Core strength and a healthy spine

The days of doing hundreds of “old-school” sit-ups are well behind us, and the science of core training is here.  Firstly, when we refer to the core, are we talking about the abs? Well, yes and no. The muscle groups of the core include rectus abdominus (front), obliques (sides), erector spinae (back), pelvic floor, diaphragm and the hip flexors.

These core muscles hold our bodies upright, help us move and help hold our internal organs in. Core training isn’t about the “six pack”. A healthy group of core muscles leads to a healthy spine. Neglect of the core muscles or an imbalance in the muscles of the core can lead to back pain, injury, discomfort and reduced sports performance.

Yoga, mat or clinical pilates and CX works (a Les Mills core class) are some of the best formats to develop a healthy core. Another alternative is specific training on a gym floor programmed or supervised by a personal trainer.


Avoiding winter weight gain (Part 2)

Last month we talked about the impact that seasonality has on our motivation and ability to maintain our exercise and activity levels, especially during winter. It is definitely a challenge as the days get shorter and weather is wet and cold. I promised some tips this month so here we go!

Make the most of the good days! Watch your weather forecasts and plan your activities accordingly. Save your lunch catch-ups or informal meetings for the rough weather days. When the sun shines, get out amongst it, your bones and muscles will appreciate the vitamin D.

Form a winter exercise task force – help motivate each other to commit and find a way to exercise 30 minutes every day. Remember this is the minimum!

Go to the gym! Gyms often have great winter offers to try or get started. So come inside, out of the wind and rain and try something new – yoga, pilates, GRIT or personal training. Most gyms offer free trials, so why not take them up on it!


Exercise and ageing

Before you rush off and buy the latest anti-ageing cream, or consider modern age-reversing treatments like botox or a face-lift, you should first make sure you are doing all you can from an exercise point of view first to reduce or reverse the effects of ageing.

Here are some tips and outcomes to consider!

Maximize your exercise and activity levels – remember they are different! Exercise is movement structured or programmed with intent, or specific outcome in mind. While activity relates to actions to get the body moving – e.g. walking the dog.

Lift weights – you need to lift weights to maintain lean body mass and retain calcium in your bones. Strong full body movements like squats, lunges, presses, deadlifts are all great for preserving bone density and maintaining a healthy physique.

Train your heart and lungs – Your cells, tissues, muscles and organs need a rich supply of blood, oxygen and nutrients to function and survive. Elevate your heart rate to about 70-80 per cent of your max heart rate for 30 minutes or longer.

Don’t smoke, and drink alcohol with moderation. Exercise helps you maintain a healthy body for longer.

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Meet Lucas Guilbert

May 1st, 2024 - Sean Car
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