Enjoy your training to keep motivated


We all know that the benefits of exercise are endless. Exercise will give you a healthy heart and healthy bones, improve your weight management, help you sleep better, give you more energy and reduce the risk of chronic illness.

You will feel better when you exercise.

However, it is not always easy to keep the enjoyment in your training and, for some of us, we will quickly lose motivation. Unfortunately there is no secret tip to motivation.  You can’t buy it, there is no special ingredient that will make you love and breathe exercise. All you have to do is just do it!

It is important not to give up and to find ways to enjoy your training if you find yourself feeling less and less motivated. Try bringing a friend along.

A workout partner is a great way to keep up your fitness because you have someone else relying on you. Choose someone who is motivated, energetic and has an interest in your health. A friend who you will enjoy spending time with is also an added bonus to training.


Try some variety

It is also good to mix up your workout if you find your motivation lacking. Changing your approach and your routine will give you some added inspiration.

Design your routine around variety, include activities that you enjoy. Variety will physically challenge your body and you can achieve better results. Adding a range of different activities will ensure you target all muscle groups and improve your fitness levels without even realizing it.

It is also important to have something to work towards. Give yourself a goal and something to aim for. No matter how big, or small, having a goal will ensure that you stay on track and will give you a great sense of satisfaction when you reach it.

You will feel rewarded and feel like you have really achieved something.


Exercise and brain health

Many are not aware that physical activity is beneficial for your brain. From high-energy cardiovascular exercise, to strength, power and core training, your brain is your engine.

With the combination of a brain healthy diet and mental activity, exercise can improve a variety of areas within your brain. Exercise can lift your mood, keep depression away, keep your brain healthy as it ages, free of memory loss and dementia. One session a day is all that is required to improve your mental focus and cognitive performance.

Exercise improves blood flow to the brain, which improves transmission signals through nerve cells. Using different parts of your brain such as co-ordination, rhythm and strategy, puts stress on your brain cells, helping them to grow. Exercise of course also increases your heart rate, which pumps more oxygen to your brain.  

For further information on Anytime Fitness – West Melbourne, please don’t hesitate to drop us a line on 0437 154 598 or an email at [email protected].

Lucas Clark
Anytime Fitness – West Melbourne

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