Harbour Esplanade gets its new trees
The first of up to 210 Norfolk Island Pines have been planted along Harbour Esplanade, with all of the installation expected to take no more than three weeks.
In early March the final layer of asphalt was laid at the Bourke St and LaTrobe St intersections, followed by the installation of traffic sensors and final line marking at both intersections. The traffic sensors have been operating since March 7 and are designed to provide more sophisticated and responsive traffic light sequencing for pedestrians, cyclists, trams and cars.
The full benefit of the traffic sensors on vehicle movements will be realised in early April with the second lane of Harbour Esplanade between LaTrobe and Dudley streets having re-opened in late March.
The final layer of asphalt along the full length of road between Bourke and LaTrobe streets, and subsequent line marking of parking and loading bays, is scheduled to be laid in early April.
Lane closures will be required to finalise the asphalting works, with the majority to be conducted at night to minimise disruption to peak traffic.
VicUrban is currently working with the contractors and businesses within the area to finalise the asphalting schedule. Once these dates are confirmed VicUrban will provide further information via its Harbour Esplanade Redevelopment e-newsletter and at http://www.docklands.com under the Harbour Esplanade Redevelopment page.
If you would like to receive regular updates via email from VicUrban regarding the first stage of works along Harbour Esplanade, please email [email protected].
Works are progressing well to create a new pedestrian path on the eastern and western footpaths between Bourke and LaTrobe streets, with the final layer of asphalt being progressively installed. The footpath asphalting works are expected to be complete by the end of April. Traffic management personnel are in place to direct pedestrians and cyclists where required.
The Harbour Esplanade redevelopment is on schedule for completion by mid-2011, with most of the major infrastructure works expected to be complete by April.