Docklands census released
By Sunny Liu
The 2016 census released on June 27 shows Docklands’ population has more than doubled since the 2011 census to 10,437.
Census collectors only counted 5090 people living in Docklands in 2011, while in 2016 the mandatory online survey recorded double the number.
The Australian Bureau of Statistics’ census data shows there are 2452 families in Docklands.
Family households constitute 54 per cent of all households in Docklands, which is lower than Victoria’s average of 70.8 per cent.
There are more single-person (30.8 per cent) and group households (15.2 per cent) in Docklands than the state average of 24.7 and 4.5 per cent respectively.
Some 51.8 per cent of Docklanders have never been married and 39.3 per cent are married. Only 5.9 per cent are divorced.
There are slightly more male residents than females, constituting 51.5 per cent and 48.5 per cent of the overall population respectively.
Docklands’ population has become younger, with the median age being 30, down from 31 in 2011. Most Docklanders (60.9 per cent) are aged between 20 and 39.
Docklands boasts a high percentage of tertiary-educated people. Some 41.8 per cent of Docklanders have received university or tertiary education, much higher than the 17.8 per cent state average.
However, the percentage of school-aged children in Docklands is much lower than the state average.
Government primary school students only make up 2.2 per cent of the total Docklands population, while Victoria’s average is 17.2 per cent.
The census records 528 children aged four or under in Docklands. Together with the announcement of the new Docklands primary school, the number of school-aged children is set to increase significantly in the next few years.
Docklands has once again proven to be a cultural melting pot. In fact, 21.8 per cent of residents identify their ancestry as Chinese, 12.1 per cent as English, 11.5 per cent Indian, 8.2 per cent Australian and 4.2 per cent Irish.
The top non-English language spoken at home is Mandarin (18.7 per cent) and 34.2 per cent of residents speak only English.
Only 27 per cent of Docklands residents were born in Australia. Some 16.9 per cent were born in mainland China and 13.2 per cent were born in India.
Second-generation immigrants, with both parents born overseas, make up 67 per cent of the population.
Docklanders generally earn more money than average Victorians, with a median $965 personal weekly income and a median $1858 household weekly income. The Victorian median of personal weekly income is $644 and $1419 for a household.
The high median wage is matched with high rental costs. The median weekly rent in Docklands is $501, much higher compared with the $325 median rent in Victoria.
Among the occupied private dwellings, 62.7 per cent are rented, 21.1 per cent are owned with a mortgage and 13.3 per cent are owned outright.
This census shows the vacancy rate for private dwellings in Docklands is 16.9 per cent, higher than the 11.7 per cent vacancy rate across Victoria.
Some 37.9 per cent of Docklanders do not own a motor vehicle, a big contrast to the 7.9 per cent Victorian average. The average number of motor vehicles per household is 0.8 in Docklands.
Docklanders are less likely to do housework, care for children or volunteer than average Victorians.
Some 38.1 per cent of residents claim they are not religious, 12.8 per cent are Catholic and 11.7 are Hindu.
Statistics on employment will be released in October.

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