Corporate comedy deals with big issues
By Rhonda Dredge
Everyone wants to be a comedian but not everyone gets a chance, particularly when your day job is in loss prevention or merchandise management.
Nadia, a manager from Myer, has had her big break to come out as a fake news reporter.
Complete with shiny hair and a winning smile, she is reporting outside head office in Docklands.
A team from the loss prevention department is filming her for a podcast that will be loaded up on the Myer’s internal server.
“We’ve created a character Shrinkage Sally. She’s now a celebrity. The last podcast had 6000 hits out of a staff of 10,000,” said Omar Nuhoglu, national loss prevention manager at Myer.
Mr Nuhoglu told Docklands News that the podcast was part of a push to use comedy as a way of dealing with serious fraud issues.
“In the last video we taught people about what they have to do to stop theft in stores. This one is about staff theft,” he said.
Shrinkage Sally reports on a case that hit the media two weeks ago when a student was charged with the theft of $32,000 worth of clothing and homewares while working at Chadstone.
“We’re using an actual story to show that if you do this you’ll get caught.”