Totally professional – For the Shandong mayor
Thursday, September 24 was an extraordinary day for the chamber, and members should feel proud your chamber hosted all the mayors of the Shandong region in China in an extremely professional manner.
This was very evident following President Joh Maxwell’s presentation as all the mayors were interested, participating and engaged, asking many educated questions.
They all love Docklands!
Following refreshments at the Docklands library and a group photo with their newly received “I Love Docklands” hats, all the mayors took a tour on the MV Grower (pictured), visited Harbour Town, and enjoyed lunch at the Igg Restaurant on the edge of Victoria Harbour.
However, we should all be indebted to executive committee member Dr Yvonne Zhou-Grundy the founder and director of Australian Management International who gave up her valuable time to be the chamber’s interpreter on the day.
For the last 20 years, Yvonne has specialised in Australian and Chinese cross cultural management in trade and investment.
I know that if the chamber had to pay Yvonne for her time, we could not have justified the expense. I know that all members and friends of the chamber will join me with a special thank you for our wonderful ambassadors, Joh, Yvonne and Josephine.
Docklands has a great future!
Docklands Seniors Festival (October 10-11)
Victorian Seniors Festival
On October 10 and 11 the Victorian Seniors Festival comes to Docklands.
Your Docklands Chamber of Commerce is a proud sponsor of the 2015 Victorian Seniors Festival.
Just like last year, the Victorian Seniors Festival will be celebrated in Docklands, an Age-Friendly Precinct within the City of Melbourne.
Come and join us! You will see why we love Docklands!