Delivering results
By Paul Salter
Over the last two months the Docklands Chamber of Commerce has welcomed 15 new members.
Docklands is a maturing neighbourhood, with diverse business and community programs. We promote events that showcase and develop our members. We provide useful programs that enhance a business’s knowledge while creating valuable contacts.
Social media – It’s official – 50,000 Facebook followers
We just passed 50,000 followers on Facebook. Some of our members featuring in recent posts generated around 1800 unique visitors to their advertised page. What do you pay for that on Google? Well it’s part of your DCC membership at no extra cost.
Be pro-active in getting your message about your success or latest offering by contacting us directly by email. If you’ve got an event, special, new photo or just something you’re very proud of, then let us know and we will tell the world.
Our Facebook and Instagram are there for you as members to promote your business. Make it part of your promotion strategy!
Don’t forget that if you want locals to support your business, you must have a presence in the local paper, the Docklands News. That is a no-brainer.
Lord Mayor’s Commendations are now open.
It is time again for recognition of any small business that has been operating within the City of Melbourne for 10 years or more. We have several members who have received this in previous years and hopefully a few more for this year.
The launch is on Wednesday, March 29, in the Greek precinct. President Joh Maxwell is also on the advisory committee for these commendations. If you know a business in Docklands that will be eligible, let us know so we can encourage them to get the recognition they deserve.
Come and join us at our next event
It will be a small, intimate and glorious affair on April 13 – “A taste of Docklands”. It will be a progressive experience to include: a chauffeured ferry to Byblos Bar for Docklands’ themed cocktails followed by a visit to Man Mo for Malaysian fusion food.
Sign up to our newsletter if you haven’t already for your personal invite – front page of
It is all about who you hang around with! Join the chamber.
Join online, become a chamber member today, get access to our social media and improve your business exposure. Make your mark in growing the Docklands community. Connect your business with like minds who are succeeding and actively encouraging the growth and success of the precinct.
If you have something on your mind or an idea you wish to share, or you simply want to join, email: [email protected] or visit our website

The mystery case of Australia Day fireworks in Docklands