Become a maker at this space

Become a maker at this space

By Sunny Liu

Library at The Dock is not only about books, exhibitions and community delivered activities but also creativity and technology, as highlighted by Maker Space on the second floor.

Maker Space is dedicated to community workshops on technology and craft, drop-in sessions offering advice on technology and publicly accessible computers and recording studio, gaming and design spaces and 3D printing stations.

An embodiment of the contemporary “Maker Culture”, which intersects cutting-edge technology and creative activities, Maker Space is a popular spot at the library.

The team members at Maker Space come from diverse professional backgrounds, ranging from film and television, audio, electronics, gaming, multimedia, coding and visual design.

Each team member applies their knowledge and experience to a variety of free workshops, such as video editing, using a 3D printer, creating basic video games and coding.

People interested in 3D printing, Mbots or Raspberry Pi can also join in the Maker Hangouts on Friday afternoons, when they can get advice on their own creative project or work together on a community project.

The workshops and services aim to help the community understand how the new technologies can benefit them.

Seeing the overwhelming popularity of Maker Space’s workshops and hangouts, the technology team developed an annual Mini Make Day that brings Melbourne’s makers to Library at The Dock.

Now in its fourth year, Mini Make Day has been incorporated in Melbourne Knowledge Week and showcases the ideas and work of makers, academics, designers and tinkerers.

Apart from technology-focused programs, the community is also able to deliver their own activities and workshops.

Recently there was a sustainable music workshop, coding groups and sometimes people book the space to co-work on projects.

“Makerspace” is also running a weekly “Crafternoon” workshop on Wednesday afternoons for children to get their hands on jewellery making, 3D printing, game design, paper crafts and more.

The Library at The Dock team invites everyone to explore new technologies and get creative at Maker Space, which is open to the public during the library opening hours.

Maker Space is looking forward to seeing more craft and other creative pursuits, so the public can touch base with the community animator or the team at The Dock.

For more information about workshops, sign up to The Dock newsletter: or visit and check out all activities on (Docklands).

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