Artists market to re-launch
By James Manton
The famous Blender Studios, which moved from the CBD to Docklands in February, will hold its fifth Blender Artist Markets in The District (formerly Harbour Town) this month.
The markets will take over an entire wing of the newly-named The District on November 17 and offer a wide variety of stalls, galleries, projects and studios for the public to come view and enjoy.
Blender Studios director Adrian Doyle (he prefers just “Doyle”) says the artists at Blender Studios are excited to be a part of the reinvigoration of Docklands as a suburb and hub of Melbourne.
“We’re really glad to be in Docklands because it’s like an unwritten book,” he said. “We’re part of it from a really new, early beginning.”
Blender Studios was formerly located off Franklin St in the eponymously-named Blender Ln, but after losing its lease in February, moved to its new, large workspace in The District.
Doyle said Blender was “really lucky” to not only find such a large space within its price range, but also a shopping centre that “had the vision” for what the artists want to do.
“Originally [the plan] was to make Docklands a destination resort and it’s working. You can feel it,” he said.
“It’s really interesting to see the collaboration between the corporates and the artists with what they’re trying to do here.”
“And when the market comes, that’s when we’ll see it in full flight.”
The Blender Artists Markets only offers local and handmade goods for the public to view and buy, including artisanal crafts, food, or fashion available to all, with live music and performers also keeping the crowds entertained.
As part of the markets, the entire Blender Studios workspace will be opened to the general public to come and see work from over 30 artists spread throughout the labyrinth-like floor.
“Part of the deal (of moving to The District) was that we opened our studios to the public. It’s the only time people can just walk around Blender,” Doyle said.
“We’re becoming so intertwined with this area that we’re not going anywhere any time soon. I think it will really help this area.”
However, Doyle didn’t quite get everything he wanted for the markets.
“I wanted to have a crying clown,” he said. “I’ve always wanted a crying clown, there’s nothing more freaky.”
The Blender Artist Markets will run every Friday night throughout summer from 5pm-9pm in the new Arts Precinct at The District starting November 17.

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