Work to start on Harbour Esplanade
Places Victoria plans to demolish and rebuild sections of the Victoria Dock wharves as a precursor to the eventual Harbour Esplanade redevelopment.
Wharves 8 and 15 are the concrete wharves located either side of Central Pier and are listed on the Victorian Heritage Register as part of Victoria Dock.
According to a permit application made by Places Victoria to Heritage Victoria, structural engineers have assessed the wharves as having reached the end of their useful lives.
According to the application, the wharves are in poor condition and photographs show that many of the timber piles that support the wharves are deteriorating.
The permit application includes a proposal to demolish and rebuild the wharves in a manner that preserves the historic layout of Victoria Dock.
If the permit is granted, work on the wharves is likely to start in the first half of this year.
A Places Victoria spokesperson said the work would include the removal of the raised concrete wharves, reinstatement of the sea wall and installation of a litter trap.
The spokesperson said reconstruction of the wharf decks was being considered as part of the master-planning process.
According to the spokesperson the work aims to embrace the waterfront and will take about 12 months to complete.
The spokesperson said the work would not interrupt pedestrian or vehicle access along Harbour Esplanade and would not impact on the planned glasshouse installation near Cow up a Tree.
The wharf rectification work is being undertaken as part of the planned Harbour Esplanade redevelopment.
City of Melbourne and Places Victoria are currently developing the masterplan concept design for the redevelopment.
A Places Victoria spokesperson said the community would have the chance to comment on the masterplan concept design later this year.