Women’s Health Week: Pregnancy, vitality and healthy ageing
Women’s Health Week, held from September 5 to 11, is the biggest national health week for women and girls.
In 2013, realising that there was no event dedicated to women’s health in Australia, Jean Hailes for Women’s Health ran the very first national Women’s Health Week. Thousands of women across Australia subscribed to take part in a week of events and online activities, learning more about their health.
Now a decade later, Women’s Health Week continues to gain groundswell nationally. In 2021 (despite COVID-19), more than 90,000 women participated in more than 1400 events, and more than 45,000 women subscribed to the online campaign.
Docklands Health is hosting a public event on September 8 from 7pm to 9pm at the Library at the Dock to celebrate Women’s Health Week 2022.
It’s a timely reminder to take time out and check-in on your health and to keep making positive changes that can last a lifetime.
Good health and wellbeing should be a priority for all women but there is a heightened focus for new and expectant mums with additional emotional and physical needs. At Docklands Health, we encourage women to put their health first and take proactive steps that support a healthy mind and body.
This year, with the impact of COVID-19, good health is more important than ever. It’s so important to keep up with regular health checks and getting anything that doesn’t feel right checked out.
Our public talk is designed to provide the local Docklands community with the necessary health information to guide them through the various stages of life from pregnancy, post-partum and into healthy ageing. Cr Dr Olivia Ball will be guiding us through the evening as master of ceremonies. The speakers include:
- Physiotherapist – Maryam Dadvar
- Women’s occupation therapist – Emma Diepenhorst
- Gynecologist and obstetrician – Maryam Ebrahimi
- General practitioners from Victoria Harbour Medical Centre
- Healthy Ageing – Professor of Medicine at Melbourne Uni Cassandra Szoeke
Book your tickets for $5 at docklandshealth.com.au/whw. The first 50 ticket holders will receive a free Jean Hailes Women’s Health Week tote bag.
As a special event, Professor Cassandra Szoeke will be launching her new book Secrets of Women’s Healthy Ageing on the night. We look forward to seeing you at the talk and book launch. •

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