Window failure

Window failure

An apartment window fell from the 10th floor of the M Docklands building, smashing over the Ethihad Stadium concourse ramp on November 14.

Docklands News understands that the chemical composition of the glass was suspected as the cause.

The paper further understands that an investigation was undertaken to determine whether other windows were faulty.

Flimsy plastic tape cordoned off the area from pedestrian access until December 1.

The building’s owners’ corporation declined to answer whether or not it was safe for pedestrians to walk close to the building.

A City of Melbourne spokesperson said it was not aware of the incident until November 29.

“The areas around the building are safe and do not pose a risk to the public,” the spokesperson said.

“We have been advised that the builder is investigating the cause of the glass breakage and will keep us updated on developments.”

“The City of Melbourne has no plans to commence enforcement action against the owner.”

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