We have to do better than this
We have to do better than this, in so many ways.
In every aspect of our lives, of our communities, of our country … of our environment, of our businesses, of our services …. of our families, of our friendships and of our leadership … we have to do better this.
People are tired, and people are broken … and people are tiring and people are breaking – it is a bitter circle. When we look at a global level, with forests burning, resources diminishing, climate change decimating the land, with refugees fleeing war-torn lands and displaced people, with terrorism and shootings, with the homeless and those suffering, it’s easy to lose faith in humanity.
So, we close our circle tighter, and we stop looking out so far. We look to what we have, what we can do, what change we can make. But here in our own communities, I ask you – can’t we do better than this? Ahhh, I hear you ask “what is she talking about now, what has happened!?” … Well my dear friends, I am one of the ones who is tired and broken. Tired of being “strong” all the time and trying to stay positive, and “broken” because at the end of the day no matter how much you try, sometimes nothing changes.
I am part of so many things different things, different aspects of our community – I’m a single mum so I’m very active in parenting. I’m a business owner so I’m constantly trying to juggle the demands of multiple clients and growing revenue. I’m a volunteer so I’m always trying to find more time to give and support our community. I’m a family member and friend to many, some of whom are going through a lot at the moment. And, do you know what? It’s not the demands of work, or the challenging days of parenting that are hard. It’s not the time pressure of volunteering or the worry of supporting people you love that is hard. What is hard is hearing the negativity, the unnecessary nasty gossipy comments, the people who manipulate a situation and the truth, the people who unfairly demand attention and the people that deliberately attempt to put you and your loved ones down. It’s petty, it’s transparently foolish, yet it is exhausting. And every group, committee, business and community has them.
So, when I look at everything that is happening in the world and know there are other people fighting to change the bad that is happening, and when I look at our community and all the good that is being attempted by so many, and when I look at my own small circle and KNOW that it is underpinned with such wonderful things as love, trust, dedication and devotion … I wonder how it is that we are all so tired and so broken. And I think the answer is simple.
We have to be nicer. Nicer to each other. We have to realise that everyone is trying, in their own way, to make their circle survive. And when we realise we are all trying, we can start to reassure and care for each other – no matter how busy or how stressed we are, we need to see that is the situation and not the people. If we can take care of the people, be nice, encouraging and positive, if we can make people feel less alone and isolated and scared, if we can let people know that they are wonderful and inspirational and perfect just the way they are, well we would all have more strength to feel positive. To feel that we are making a difference.
Here’s the bottom line … we can’t find world peace on our own. And we can’t fix world problems on our own. But we can make small changes today. Today and every day. Be nice to each other, stop the negative and speak honestly to each other. Own your emotions, own your decisions. Ask for help. Feel supported. Feel loved. And then pass that same support on to someone else so they can feel it too. Changing the world actually starts in our smallest circles, and on our own doorsteps, and perhaps even in our own heart.
Please let’s do better. Because it is actually a wonderful community we live in, and a wonderful world we have. We shouldn’t feel tired of living in it.
With love,
To a positive month
Abby x
Don’t forget you can reach me at [email protected] or @abbyjanecrawford