Sometimes life just happens
By Abby Crawford
Sometimes life just happens. Life just happens, in spite of what you thought was going to happen or what you were thinking you were trying to achieve.
And when life “just happens”, it usually means that it has sent you on an unexpectedly different path from that which you thought you were pursuing. Trust me, life has been “just happening” for a while.
Some people say what’s happening is just what is meant to be. Others raise their hands in fury that it didn’t go the way they wanted, whilst yet others set out on a mission to blame everyone else for what’s happened. Then there are the lowest denominator, those who seek revenge in the wake of not getting what they thought they should.
The thing is, people get caught up in thinking they have control of life, when in fact life is made up of all different people and energies and the universe has a way of matching up what’s right and wrong – eventually, everything settles into place and it’s really just a matter of celebrating when it does or coming to peace that there is a better match for you when it doesn’t.
It’s true with all relationships – we might have a checklist of “must haves” for any relationship – moral codes of conduct, ethical standards, qualities we cannot go forward without.
Yet it is only when you’re actually involved, when you get further down the path with people that you can truly evaluate if these qualities are there. Often those that loudly profess to possess these qualities in actual fact display little of them when the pressure is on. And, interestingly, sometimes those you least expect display the most amazing courage, empathy and support in the face of the tough decisions.
This is one of the amazing things in life, that we can grow and learn and adapt our path in measure with our understanding of things as they happen …. We are constantly learning.
I have been on an incredibly difficult path, pushed and pulled in different directions, a confusion of mismatched energy that left me stressed, sleepless and very unsettled.
But the universe has a way of balancing energy out – you simply cannot continue being partnered with the wrong energy as simply as magnets misaligning if there is a force that pushes the distance further and further.
And just as simply, when you do find the right path and partner with the right energy, everything just falls into place. The stress is gone, the path is clear and the energy carries you forward smoothly.
I consider myself to be very lucky to have formed an incredible relationship with someone with whom I’ve travelled a difficult path – and it was actually the navigation of that difficult path that brought us together, as we realised our goals, our values and our mission aligned so well that it was natural to forge a partnership and continue forward.
And that’s what life is about, finding the right person to face the battles and joys with, knowing that you can trust someone to have your back and create the opportunities and life that you may have always wanted.
What a woman wants is for the path to never be difficult, but what a woman needs to know is that sometimes difficult paths lead to incredible destinations.
Do not fear change in life, do not fear altering your path to find the right direction and the right energy in all you do. You only get one chance at this life, don’t waste it being tied to the wrong people.
With much love,
Abby x

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