I keep drawing the Two of Wands tarot card. It is really the strangest of things.
In my bedroom, in the corner, I have a beautiful old wing-backed, carved wood chair, upholstered in blue fabric.
It was my grandmothers, who passed away nearly 15 years ago. Beside this chair, I have a small gold and blue enamel table that I love. (It’s better looking than it sounds. It was a council clean-up find. I sanded it, refilled the carved line of its table top with the gold that had long ago chipped away, and re-enamelled it in a Greek-island blue.)
On it, sit my tarot cards and when life gets confusing, stressful or if I am just over-excited by a situation, I sit and meditate whilst shuffling cards and wait for the answers to come. I’m there quite often.
Usually, a card leaps out. It literally kind of pops from the pack and you know that’s the one. Other times, I ask fairly direct questions and “deal” the answer out. Between you and me, occasionally it does turn into a “well, let’s make it the best of three” if I don’t like the card! But invariably, life is going to take the path it takes and there’s little that can be done except to embrace it. Annoyingly, the card I didn’t want is usually right, and “best of three” does little to improve the deal.
Back to the Two of Wands. So first up, I asked a specific question that had been troubling me, a real “what is going to happen” type of question. Out it came. I had to look up its meaning as I wasn’t that familiar with
the card.
Basically, it means that if you have been able to take an idea and make a feasible plan you will succeed. There’s a lot longer explanation about it all – inspiration and commitment to decisions etc – but that’s the nuts and bolts of it.
It wasn’t quite the answer I was wanting as I had asked the question with romance in mind. “Bom booomp” said the card, “you’re going to be working”.
You see, it did actually fit into what I am doing, but I wanted to know the answer to a very particular question about the boy meets girl kind of success. And, more specifically, if that would ever be successful for me.
So I decided that perhaps I hadn’t shuffled properly. (I mean, apart from the entire spirit world, who could really see if I was cheating?) So I did that thing when you split your deck and flick them into each other, so they’re really properly mixed in.
Then I shuffled some more, closed my eyes and said “when is he going to get here?” Perhaps a clearer question would help, was my thought. I waited until I had “the” feeling and slapped the card down. Same one – the Two of Wands.
Hmpphhh. Reshuffle. This time I almost got lost in my own head, going off on different trains of thought, and not really focused on the cards at all. I got really quite side-tracked, thinking through everything I needed to do. I ran through my lists for my business, because it’s kind of all-consuming at the moment.
You see, I’ve been contemplating which direction to take it for the last 12 months. And just a few weeks ago, I decided to expand and open new territories. And it was kind of organic. The offers came. The people who I needed to make it happen appeared and, well, I’ve stepped from being based in one regional area, to now being in Melbourne, Gold Coast, Byron Bay, Palm Beach, Sydney, Newcastle and the Hunter Valley.
In fact, when you’re reading this I will be at the opening of our Melbourne base, before flying to the Gold Coast to open there. It’s all happened quickly, it’s exciting, terrifying and exhilarating.
But it kind of happened by itself, like it’s meant to be. Oh, don’t get me wrong, I’m working seven days a week and working long hours, but it’s growing and expanding and it’s exciting. See how easily my mind wanders off? And as I re-focused on the present, and the cards I was shuffling, I pulled the one out of the middle of the pack with quick precision. It was the Two of Wands.
So why am I telling you all this? Because I have realised that what is happening is what is meant to happen (after all the cards said so – three times).
I am meant to be focused on exactly what I am doing. It is the right time to be doing what I am doing now. And drawing that card, should be the beautiful and positive reinforcement – the little tap on the back of belief to say “this is going to be ok, you got this”. Instead, I was wanting to know what was going to come next, and that’s no way to live.
I’m grateful for my little reminder from the cards, the racing clutter in my mind that drove me to sit in my favourite chair and meditate on my direction, has pulled me back into my present – to the wonderful, exciting things that are happening now. I need only have faith that what I am doing now, is what I am meant to be doing, and everything else will happen at a time when it’s meant to.
What a woman wants is to know the answer to her heart’s longing, but what a woman would do well to remember is that she is the master of her own destiny and happiness.
Sometimes we need to just pause and reflect, to appreciate the extraordinary things we are doing each day.
Take the time to connect with the present, focus on what’s happening now and have faith that by being the best you can be, everything else will fall into place. Commit to your now, embrace all that the universe is offering you today. There is a world of tomorrows for us all, with days so wonderful we can’t even imagine. So please, don’t neglect your today wishing for your tomorrow, it will come.
Until next month,
I’d love to you to join me on Facebook or Instagram @abbyjanecrawford xx

The mystery case of Australia Day fireworks in Docklands