Something wonderful is about to happen.
Something really magnificent, the type of thing where you just pause and really feel almost overwhelmed by your good fortune. The equivalent of a tidal wave of goodness from the universe is about to wash over me. I’m sure of it.
I’m seeing signs of it already. Well, I’m determined to see the signs. Let me give you a little example.
I wasn’t planning on driving down the M1 from my country home to the city – and back – last Friday. It’s a 2.5 hour trip down, but closer to a three hour trip back on a Friday afternoon in the rush of commuters evacuating the city for the promise of a two-day snapshot of lifestyle balance on the north coast. But I found myself doing exactly that.
I was doing exactly that, as I was the sponsor of a rather large charity fundraiser on the Saturday night. I had been looking forward to the five-course degustation menu, the black tie glamour – I even had a new dress.
Not having a date didn’t deter me, I asked one of my nearest and dearest to help me out and attend as my “plus one”. Unfortunately he pulled out the day before, and I decided having attended so many things solo, that this one was just too hard to muster the strength to be the seventh person (with a spare seat to my right) on a table of eight yet again.
“No problem” said I (with gritted teeth), and changed my work load, relegated my unworn fitted black lace dress to the wardrobe (in my head it was stunning, however the mirror seemed to add a few years and a few kilos to my intended look!), and honoured my commitment to provide the event decorations – 250 of my business’s flameless candles for the tables.
As luck and fate would have it, on that very trip down, whilst comforting myself with the thought that, even though I couldn’t go to the ball, I was still being a good person – a stone hit my windscreen.
It was a little more dramatic than that – it hit with such a force and noise that it not only sounded like my car had been shot, but the impact was spectacular with an immediate starburst shatter on my windscreen and the end of one windscreen wiper (going at moderate pace as it was pouring rain) completely knocked off. And so I spent some time pulled over in the emergency stopping lane, trying to figure out what to do.
At first, I was angry given I’d done nothing wrong and in fact had done everything right – I didn’t deserve this. And it piled up with the other things that have happened this month that I didn’t deserve – that happened when I had done nothing wrong – such as the people who let me down, the emotional ups and downs I was put through, the simple stubbing of a toe (and subsequent loss of nail!).
It all seemed really unfair, particularly as I’ve been working harder than I have ever worked in my life, seven days a week dedication.
I’ve contributed significant time to charity, lovingly raised a child, tried to get fit (ok, it’s a work in progress), and believed in people even when they lost faith in themselves.
And that’s when it hit me – there must be something so, so, so good coming, that the universe is balancing it out early by giving me some tough times first, just to make sure I appreciate the magnificence of the gift that is about to arrive!
So I say “bring it on universe!” Each tough new day that you deliver, I am grabbing with both hands and celebrating, because each undeserved bad day is a step closer to reaching my destination.
I know that there will be a day when I see why it is all unfolding the way it is. But until then, I am going to have faith that there are far, far better things ahead than any days that I leave behind.
What a woman wants is to never have an undeserved bad day, but what a woman needs to believe is that everything happens for a reason, and it will all work out in the end. Good things are coming, just be brave my darlings.
With much love,
Abby x
PS you can reach me at [email protected] - your letters are a joy to receive each month, thank you x

The mystery case of Australia Day fireworks in Docklands