Living a wonderful life
We have a finite number of days. Even those of us who may live a blessed life, free from too much pain or illness, accidents or threat, there will still be a day when it ends. A day when our life on earth will be over.
Tragically, there are people for whom this day arrives unexpectedly, often in terrible circumstances, as we have seen on our television screens and newspapers, photos covering the atrocities in so many countries. Terrorism, famine, flood, domestic violence, mass shootings and more.
As we watch the bodies of babes on the shoreline, wrenched from the desperate grip of their parents as they seek refuge throughout the world. As we watch in horror the devastation the suicide bombers of terrorism inflict in cities we dreamt of returning to. As we recoil in disbelief at the ever increasing tally of those who are killed by their own partners, here, in our own country. As we read in disgust, those who take another’s life to service their own greed.
At times, it is hard to stop the tears from falling from our eyes. It is hard to do anything but feel overwhelmed by the seeming destruction of humanity. It is hard to feel positive in the face of such pain being inflicted on so many people.
But we live on. And with that, I think we should see what a privilege that opportunity is. We have the opportunity to still draw breath each day and, as surrounded as we may be with the horrors that can and do exist in life, we also can embrace the beauty and power of our own lives.
We must live a life that is worthwhile. We must not waste the gift of living that we have been generously given. We have an enormous capacity to love, to be compassionate, to be supportive, to be forgiving.
We have an opportunity to reflect on our lives, how we are living them, and ask ourselves “is this enough?”
Are you being your best, are you giving all you should, are you helping those around you, are you standing up for your beliefs and for yourself? Are you being the person you want to see the world become? Are you making a difference? Are you living this life, that you are so lucky to have, to its fullest?
I haven’t been. I have been overwhelmed by what has gone wrong and I’ve become lost in my own pain, disappointments and feelings of loss. I’ve lost my “joie de vivre”. I’ve been functioning in my life. My business is growing. My son is happy and doing well at school. I am still the chair of the volunteer community group and continue to support charity. I’m doing all the things that should be a life well lived. But I forgot, just for a while, to really live my life. I let go of love, of the beauty and hope we have as humans in this incredible life.
My passion for life got overtaken by the harsh realities of the world at large, and got dampened by the very real disappointments of events that happened to me personally.
I forgot to dance to my favourite songs. I forgot to sing – however badly – at the top of my lungs. I forgot to do the things I love – to paint, to pick flowers, to tell people I love them. I forgot the simplicity of being open and engaged. I shut down, trying to block things from hurting.
So, I am going to fix this, and I’m asking you to join me. I am asking you to take a deep breath with me, and look up to the skies, to the heavens above. And I want you to feel how lucky we are, how lucky we are to have this opportunity to live our lives, to make a difference.
Let’s show each other more love, more consideration, let’s help each other. Let’s share our dreams and our goals. Let’s dance together, and laugh and be happy – for the awful things will continue to happen in the world, but surely we can put our energy into creating the beauty, in creating the light that overcomes the darkness.
What a woman wants is for the world to be a happy and beautiful place, but what a woman needs to know is that she has an opportunity right now to live a wonderful life. Reach out with me and let’s bravely and ferociously love every opportunity to live this life on earth.
This Christmas, let’s be grateful, let’s be determined, and let’s help the world feel the love and light humanity can bring. We all have a finite number of days. Let’s make them count, and have no regrets for missed opportunities - at the end, let’s make sure we can say, “I lived well”.
Merry Christmas and thank you.
Abby xx