The Easter bunny is on his way
Hippity Hoppity here he comes!
The big bunny is on his way, and it’s nearly time for the Easter Hat Parade! Children everywhere are looking hopefully at parents as they try to steer them toward the large precarious displays of jewel coloured chocolate eggs at the super market, whilst parents are trying to find polite ways of saying “it’s too bloody early, it’s nowhere NEAR Easter yet!” to avoid the bottom lip quiver and wail escaping from their little ones in tow. Silently, we curse the merchandisers of large supermarkets who make avoiding these eggs of hyperactivity a near impossibility.
Hot cross buns have been packed into garish plastic bags, all screaming out how much ‘healthier’ they are this year – Preservative free! Real fruit! High Fibre! – but largely still a big stodge of carbs and sugar with a marzipan cross that’s meant to make us feel we are participating in a valid celebration. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for the celebration of the rising of Christ and I don’t mind slathering a freshly baked hot cross bun with real butter in a self indulgent, yet strangely justified act of participation in this festive holiday. It’s just that it all seems to require so much energy (perhaps, in fact, I need a little chocolate egg just to help me along).
I love a celebration, so any excuse to get in there and play stylist to my home and have reason to feast with intention is great by me. I even have grand plans for a home-made Easter hat for my son this year (please ignore the loud groan that just escaped a 10-year-old, rolling his eyes and clasping small fat hands to the top of his head in horror). I’ve seen a few great images of mini carrots taped to a cardboard band that would be perfect for him. Or the one that has a complete menagerie of fluffy fluoro chicks and bunnies with eggs and straw and … well he’ll just have to go to the gym to quickly work up his neck muscles to be able to support the thing.
And this year I really want to make sure we do the whole “dye your own eggs” in food dye for that rustic charming Easter decoration look. I want to do it because I still have the different colour food dyes in the pantry from last year. Unopened. I had big plans last year, and that’s good because I hope that by this year I’ll actually be ready to execute them. An amazing seafood extravaganza for Good Friday, Passover Lamb on whatever day that’s meant to happen (better review last year’s plan) and artisan quality Belgian chocolate hand painted eggs, well hidden for an Easter Egg Hunt that will be so brilliant it becomes legendary.
My son has slightly different views on Easter. He is still precariously balanced on the edge of belief in Santa and the Easter Bunny (clearly, the tooth fairy is a ridiculous story created by parents for their own amusement in absurdity), and has decided to actually seek proof of the Easter Bunny. In years gone by, he’s been satisfied by the (fingerprint) paw prints in the flour we scattered by the door. This year, he has a master plan. It involves several traps, carrots as bait and …. well, he’s hunting the bunny. Right, this should be interesting. Would it be in terribly bad taste to serve rabbit stew???
Whatever your religious beliefs, I hope that this Easter does bring you peace and joy, and that you have a wonderful holiday – I hope that mine has home dyed eggs, and the Easter Bunny is not trapped at our house, and makes it to yours.
With love,
Don’t forget you can email us at [email protected].

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