Ride to work and have brekky
Melbourne City Sports (MCS) is holding a community breakfast in Docklands this month for Ride to Work Day.
The breakfast will take place from 7am to 9am on the corner of Bourke St and Harbour Esplanade on October 12.
The breakfast will provide city workers taking on the Ride to Work challenge with all the essentials for a smooth journey.
This is the third year MCS has hosted the event. “It keeps getting bigger and better each year with local businesses pulling together and contributing their time to take part in this great initiative,” MCS marketing and events co-ordinator Sandra Vernuccio said.
A variety of sponsors have provided a range of free offers for all the active office workers out there.
These include:
Breakfast treats, including juice, muffins and protein bars;
Bike repairs;
The City of Melbourne will be handing out free fluoro bike straps;
Victoria Police will be at the breakfast providing free bike marking; and
A coffee van will be available onsite.
Melbourne City Sports will also have a sports challenge offering cyclists the opportunity to test their skills and win prizes.
The Docklands community breakfast for Ride to Work Day is all about encouraging a healthy, affordable, hassle and carbon free mode of transport for city workers.
So jump on your bike and head down to the Docklands community breakfast for Ride to Work Day this month.
For more information see http://www.melbournecitysports.ymca.org.au
You can register at http://www.ride2work.com.au