Removal works under way at Central Pier

Removal works under way at Central Pier
Sean Car

The slow process of demolishing the heritage-listed Central Pier has officially begun, with removal works commencing in late September.

The pier’s owner Development Victoria (DV) has engaged Fitzgerald Constructions Australia, a specialist marine contractor, to remove Central Pier from Victoria Harbour.

DV’s acting group head of precincts Anna Hakman said the contractor had completed investigative work on the safest way to remove the pier, paving the way for works to start in September.

“Fitzgeralds have completed investigative work on the safest way to remove the pier, with removal works commencing in late September 2023,” Ms Hakman said.

“Development Victoria will continue to work with Heritage Victoria, the City of Melbourne, the community, and other key stakeholders as this process continues.”

Central Pier was permanently closed in early 2020 due to safety issues, and has continued to deteriorate.

Heritage Victoria approved a permit in October 2022 for DV to remove the unsafe pier structure under the requirements of the Heritage Act 2017 due to its registration as a place of historical significance to Docklands, and the City of Melbourne.

Last year, DV invited the community to share their visions for Central Pier as part of plans to revitalise the area. All findings from this engagement process are now available online in a Community Engagement Summary Report.

The feedback gained from the community engagement process has been used to inform the development of a Place Principles and Vision document, which will guide the future revitalisation of the area.

DV said the Place Principles and Vision document would be released later this year. •

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Improved short stay reforms

August 28th, 2024 - Sean Car
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