Smudge rules in the city and the country
Meet Smudge the Shih Tzu-Poodle cross who rules NewQuay Promenade.
Smudge has lived in the Nolan for the past two years and, according to owner Anastasia Walsh has very few self-esteem issues.
“He has to be the ruler of the pack,” Anastasia said.
Smudge is so called because when he was a pup eight years ago, he was so small that he would have easily become a smudge on the floor should he have found himself under someone’s shoe.
He has moved around a lot during that time. He has lived in the suburbs and now lives in an apartment where he feels right at home.
“He really is an indoors dog and never makes a mess,” Anastasia said.
But it’s not all indoors for Smudge. He gets out at every opportunity and now regularly visits Trentham where Anastasia’s mother has moved.
Smudge’s best mate, Paddles the cat, has also moved to the country so there’s plenty of playing and fighting when the pair are regularly reunited.
Smudge is a regular at The Lounge and prefers to walk around unfettered by a lead.
But no matter whether he is in the city or the country, one thing’s for sure: “He acts like he owns the town,” Anastasia said.

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