New life for community garden
Urban Reforestation will be staying on in Docklands after being granted a new piece of land for its community garden.
A successful pilot project on the Victoria Harbour waterside concludes at the end of next month at which time, the garden is expected to be moved to a new 1000 sq m site between Victoria Green and the Myer building.
Urban Reforestation will be moving out of its temporary shop in Merchant St also.
VicUrban has advised Urban Reforestation it is welcome to use the land for the next three years, but can be given three months notice to vacate.
Urban Reforestation founder Emily Ballantyne-Brodie said she was delighted with the decision.
She said the new site would be home to a new sustainable living centre, with the transplanted garden only part of the offering.
“The lessons we learned from the prototype will allow us to facilitate a sustainable urban community in our new home,” Ms Ballantyne-Brodie said.
“We are looking for a new board, new partners and sponsors,” she said. “It’s a new beginning for us and for Docklands.”
Ms Ballantyne-Brodie said the business community could achieve many of its sustainability objectives by participating in the new centre’s activities.
A fundraising dinner is scheduled for Saturday, August 21 and two “co-design” workshops will be held to determine the form of the new centre. A workshop for residents will be held on Sunday, August 22 from 2pm until 4pm and a workshop for business will be held on Thursday, August 26 between 5.30pm and 7.30pm.
All events will be held at 71 Merchant St, Victoria Harbour. For further information, see

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