Here’s an idea …
I read with interest your article in the July issue titled “Too much rubbish”.
I also appreciate that the council is under-resourced in this area, and that Docklands is not a high priority area for rubbish collection.
But there is a much cheaper solution to stopping the rubbish in the water that collects around the old piles and on the rocks adjacent to the NAB building on Harbour Esplanade.
Now that Central Pier is being demolished (albeit on the sly) there is a yellow floating spill boom (or extruded sausage) that presently surrounds the Pier to stop debris, that will no longer be needed.
Why not move it to the outer line of old piles where this rubbish collects (as your photo shows)?
The yellow boom will stop the rubbish where it can be collected easily by the existing rubbish boat that already floats around this waterway, as opposed to the rubbish being laboriously picked up by hand as it is now, not very successfully, or often enough.
I would be happy to assist the council by being the site manager for this minor project at no cost.
Keep up the good work.
Daryl Mead
Where’s the family fun?
Dear Docklands News,
My partner and I moved into Docklands from North Melbourne last year with our four kids, and live in a high-rise on Docklands Drive.
There are many things that we love about life in Docklands - mainly from a practical point of view, and from the availability of excellent transport and amenities (mind you, a tennis court would be a welcome addition!).
What we really struggle with here in Docklands is the lack of community-oriented activities for families, as well as ways to connect with those around us.
We go on daily walks along NewQuay Promenade and never stopped feeling amazed at what a waste of potential it is. Both my partner and I are originally from overseas, and are both well-travelled, and can’t help but feel that the area really fails to deliver on its potential when relative to comparable districts abroad. In particular, we really struggle understanding (coronavirus restrictions notwithstanding), how come there are no more activities and attractions for children and families in the area - we are not short of ideas, from street performers, through to street children-theatre, to pop up musical outfits on the weekends - the area truly could use some life injected into it! Young children have absolutely no attractions for them on the promenades - no playgrounds or sand pits, not squares where families might want to sit around and interact ...
Related to that is the feeling that many of the residential buildings in the area have management policies that make the prospect of contact between residents/neighbours appear really poor. More often than not, concerns around privacy and the need to maintain a quiet living environment prevail over initiatives that aim to bring people together, to get to know one another, and to build a sense of community.
We have now been in Docklands for over a year, and have just signed a lease to move into the Banksia building for another year - however, I must say that unless the local council prioritises initiatives to make the area feel more community-oriented (and not simply concerned with attracting outside tourists), we are very unlikely to remain long-term residents of the area. My partner Marlene and I would love to know if there is a way for us to become involved in advancing relevant community-related initiatives.
Kind regards, and thank you for reading.
COVID-19 support for high rise communities
Dear Editor,
I wrote a submission of support for the motion by Sally Capp, Lord Mayor of Melbourne, to increase targeted health promotion information for residents living in high-rise apartments.
Health promotion is not about re-interpreting health advice or information, it’s about ensuring that everyone in our community is able to understand that advice and apply it in the same way.
It’s about safeguarding the whole community, not just those who for whatever reason are better placed to hear, understand and apply the advice in its original form.
This is achieved by engaging and connecting people in our buildings with whom we share doors, lifts, carparks, walls and rubbish bins.
I think that Sally Capp called for the council to better support those of us in owners’ corporations (OCs) seeking to understand the ability of each resident to comprehend health advice and work together to overcome barriers, such as language, education or social connection. Otherwise known in health promotion as the social determinants of health.
It’s rubbish to suggest - as Aaron Wood and Beverley Pinder have - that this will somehow expose OCs to additional legal or health risks, or confuse residents. It’s about how rules are applied locally and in the unique circumstance of our physical environment in a fair and understandable way for those who live here.
In practice, health promotion can increase personal responsibility and engage otherwise apathetic or isolated individuals to be active contributors to help solve community problems, such as the spread of COVID-19.
Helping communities communicate better during stressful times makes sure that everyone understands what is required of them to keep disease and infection away from where we are most vulnerable: here, where we live, in high-rise apartment buildings.
I certainly appreciate what the Lord Mayor is trying to do here and support her wholeheartedly.
Best regards,
Daniel Brace