Venting on barking
I would like to vent my spleen a bit and I am hoping that you will publish this.
I work in Harbour Town Shopping Centre and around where I work there are quite a few residential buildings.
Some of the owners think it’s great to have dogs as pets and I agree – if you are going to be a responsible pet owner and not an owner that leaves their dogs on small pokie balconies all day long barking at everyone going by.
A few of the shoppers think it is great fun teasing the dogs and getting them to bark more whilst we retailers that work directly opposite these residential apartments have to suffer this constant, incessant noise all day long.
The dog owners do not seem to understand the fact that just because they have gone out and left their dog all alone all day or a few hours on the balcony, that the dog is happy.
Well I am telling you they are not happy and that they are as distressed just as much as some of us retailers are.
If you are a owner of a dog, please, please, please do not leave it out on the balcony part of the day or even all day and have some thought of other people around you.
It can’t be good for the dog with summer coming up and temperatures exceeding 30 degrees and I am sure that as pet owners you are breaking council bylaws and that the RSPCA also would not take too kindly to your animal cruelty.
Michael Blyth

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