Kyoto elevates relaxation to an art form

Kyoto elevates relaxation to an art form

Readers won’t be surprised to know that this dog snores.

Kyoto is the prized “baby” of Alisha Hamilton (pictured left) who lives at Harbour Town with flatmate Julie Almond (right).

The 22-year-olds moved to Docklands recently from Kew but took some time to find a dog-friendly rental.  The communal courtyards at Harbour Town offer an ideal environment for pet ownership.

Kyoto is only one year old.  But her snoring can be heard in adjacent bedrooms. And it’s not surprising when you consider the considerable folds of skin on her face.

Alisha said the sharpei breed was developed in China as a fighting dog – the extra folds of skin offering protection from their opponent’s teeth.

These days, the last thing you would expect from a sharpei would be a fight.  Their earlier aggressiveness has been bred out to the extent that they are now one of the most relaxed breeds.

It was the sharpei’s gentle nature that first attracted Alisha to the breed.

“Sharpeis are good for apartments because they don’t require a lot of exercise,” Alisha said.

“They are really good company.  They are just happy to sit around with you and become very attached to their owners.”

Another feature of the breed is that they attract a lot of attention from others.  When Docklands News met Kyoto, she was the centre of attention from a lot of other admirers in Harbour Esplanade.

Alisha said a TV ad featuring a sharpei had given the breed semi-celebrity status.

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