June 4 is market day
A group of events management students will be practising on Docklanders on Friday, June 4 at a special lunchtime market in Victoria Harbour.
Final year William Angliss Event Management Diploma students Justin Kony, Leah Mand, Catherine Wheeler, Nicole Craighead, Phoung Lei Muk and Chloe Dudley will be turning it on for workers and residents alike on the water side of the Dock 5 building between 12 and 2pm.
Spokesperson Catherine Wheeler said the project represented a large part of the students’ assessment for the year.
“We are looking to demonstrate the skills and understanding that we have learned so far in how to run a successful event,” Ms Wheeler said.
Television celebrity Noah Rose from My Kitchen Rules will be on hand to demonstrate and advise on sustainable foods.
The event is being run under the theme “Tempt, Taste, Take”. Ms Wheeler said she hoped to have up to 20 stall holders on the day.
She said the group had been allocated to Docklands’ Urban Reforestation project and had originally planned to deliver an eco-market.
“This has subsequently broadened out to be a general market, but it would still have a strong sustainable theme,” Ms Wheeler said.
On sale will be butterfly badges produced by Urban Reforestation as part of a campaign to green our city. Inspired by a project in New York which aims to plant and care for 1 million trees by 2017, Urban Reforestation director Emily Ballantyne-Brodie says the badges will raise awareness of Docklands’s community garden.
Urban Reforestation has been buoyed by news on April 23 that the State Government will help fund a waste audit of apartments and food recycling.
“We have exciting news,” Ms Ballantyne-Brodie said. “Sustainability Victoria’s ‘Sustainability Fund’, announced by Minister Jennings, is financially supporting part of our project.”
Ms Ballantyne-Brodie said Urban Reforestation was still seeking corporate sponsorship. She can be contacted on 0403 937 195. For further information, see http://www.urbanreforestation.com or call into the group’s shop at 71 Merchant St, Victoria Harbour.

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