How are you travelling?

How are you travelling?

Docklands residents are again going to be asked their travel habits.

Places Victoria (formerly VicUrban) surveyed residents in July and August but only 5 per cent responded.

In contrast, more than 25 per cent of the 18,000 Docklands workers consulted filled in their forms and returned it to the study.

Findings from the survey are feeding information into the Docklands Transport Plan which is due for release early next year.

Places Victoria’s Docklands general manager Simon Wilson said the study’s consultants already had a rich pool of information from one of Melbourne’s largest traffic surveys.

He said the findings would be used to prioritise transport infrastructure investments and initiatives required in Docklands over the next decade and beyond.

“We will soon be issuing another survey request to residents, and encourage everyone to get involved to help inform this important work,” Mr Wilson said.

Meet Lucas Guilbert

Meet Lucas Guilbert

May 1st, 2024 - Sean Car
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