Five strategies to get through coronavirus (COVID-19)
By Dr Mike Edgley - Docklands Health
COVID-19 is not the only thing that’s contagious at the moment … so is the fear, anxiety and overwhelm that’s permeating our community.
In this article I will share five strategies you can utilise and focus on in these times of uncertainty. I’m committed to staying centred during this chaos and being responsible for my own emotional tone rather than letting the media set it for me.
Stay informed – think about where you’re getting your information from. Is it a reputable source? Is it purposely fear-inducing? Or is it an official, well-informed and accurate source? Information about the virus should be sourced from the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the federal and state governments. Unfortunately, friends, family and social media are generally not a great source of information. Additionally, when reading news articles, read the whole article, not just the headline, as headlines are attention grabbing and do not convey the entire message. It’s important that we take steps to manage stress and anxiety as this impacts our immunity. Stress is the number one predictor of someone getting ill, more than smoking, eating, etc.
Staying in service – when you get up in the morning, ask yourself this question: how can I serve my community today? For me this looks like this; how can I serve my friends and family, how can I serve my patients at Docklands Health and how can I serve the greater Docklands community? That means providing a safe and happy environment for my young kids and wife to live in and providing the safest clinic environment possible for my staff and everyone who walks through our doors. The same is true for the greater community - Docklands needs us more than ever. We need to utilise our local services more than ever. We will serve you to the highest standard possible.
Upping your self care – in line with reducing stress and reducing the chances of getting sick, it is important to enhance your lifestyle choices. Things such as getting more sleep, prioritising exercise, having a healthy diet and using strategies such as meditation to switch your mind to a more positive outlook are all vitally important.
Perspective – it is important that we appreciate the situation we’re in, but also acknowledge that our bodies are designed to fight such viruses and health challenges. Yes, this is a new strain, but our bodies’ immune system has built in innate systems to battle and adapt to these challenges. This is why it’s important to maintain your self-care, both physically and mentally.
Gratitude – find those moments during the day that remind you that we still live and work in this amazing place we call home. Whether it be moments with friends or family, watching the sunrise over the Yarra or whatever activity you happen to be doing. Take the time to acknowledge that and appreciate the things we do have. For instance, the mornings are absolutely beautiful at the moment. The other day I was walking across Webb Bridge with the stillness of sunrise and the moon setting over the Bolte Bridge. So, I took a moment to take it in and watch the rowers on the Yarra and smile to the others on the bridge on their morning walk. It’s moments like these that you will remember and treasure. The picture in this article is the picture I took while taking in our amazing Docklands.
Please utilise some or all of the strategies above as it will help the entire community get through these difficult times. If you or anyone you know needs help, please reach out. We are here to help both your physical and mental wellbeing. If it’s not us, your trusted health expert will always be there •
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