Harbour Town settlement next month

Harbour Town settlement next month

Harbour Town Shopping Centre and the icehouse are expected to change hands in October, with Sydney-based real estate investment group Ashe Morgan to take over both sites.

Ashe Morgan principal Alton Abrahams told Docklands News settlement was on-track for mid-to-late October and said the company was excited about the opportunity.

“We look forward to helping turn Harbour Town and Waterfront City into a key tourist destination,” Mr Abrahams said.

Conditional contracts to purchase the Harbour Town, the Icehouse and surrounding land parcels from ING were signed in March this year.

In the meantime, Harbour Town Shopping Centre traders are yet to meet with landlord ING for mediation, with lawyers still negotiating the conditions of the meeting.

Le Cirque Fine Foods owner Albert Morcos said traders were becoming impatient with the process, having been waiting for more than five months.

In May, Docklands News reported a that group of traders had requested mediation with ING over a range of issues.

At the time, Mr Morcos said each of the retailers had different complaints, but the common thread related to promises made by ING to the retailers who had invested in the centre.

ING has appointed Titanium Property Investment as its asset manager. The director of the company, Tim Atkins, declined to comment.

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