Grants build community
By Georgina Scambler
Docklands Community Garden and Docklands Community Association were among the recipients of City of Melbourne grants announced in October totalling $632,000.
The grants were made available to not-for-profit community groups for projects which support and enhance the community.
Anca Grigoras, from Docklands Community Garden, said its $2000 grant would be used to fund four quarterly planning activities.
“We will also perhaps engage people to donate supplies and knowledge,” she said.
According to Docklands Community Association president Roger Gardner, the DCA has yet to decide how its $3000 grant would be spent.
“We will consider the use of the grant at our next meeting,” Mr Gardner said. “We are very pleased that we’ve received it.”
170 projects received grants.
“It’s very heartening to have received so many applications for smart ideas to support our community,” City of Melbourne CEO Kathy Alexander said.

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