Mood of change
The days rush on and spring is in the air ... I feel a mood of change everywhere. Things are happening here in Docklands!
For instance, have you notice there is another brick in the wheel, which can only mean one thing. She will be spinning again soon!
With the fine weather on its way, it is now a good time to visit Docklands and enjoy the good things we have. There is street art aplenty to admire and water views everywhere. There are venues to sit out in the sunshine as you meet and greet or you might want to just sit and idly look out on the water!
Docklands has a new Chamber of Commerce committee and it is determined to work hard and deliver some great outcomes to Docklands. Good News Bill is on the executive committee and I look forward to working with the Docklands community.
Last week I convened an informal meeting with a few invited guests from Places Victoria, City of Melbourne, Destination Docklands, the chamber, Harbour Town and NewQuay Centre Management. Students from Deakin University presented an assignment “An Urban Perspective” on Docklands.
They delivered their unbiased impressions on how they saw Docklands and what they felt it needed for the future. It was encouraging that the students were positive about the attractions they found here.
They challenged the dominant paradigm in their suggested ways of improving the journey to Docklands to encourage people to explore Docklands and maximise use of the great things we have here.
They also put forward some youthful ideas on new and engaging attractions that included building a skate park, a modest arts precinct for emerging artists to claim as their own and a sunken performing arts amphitheatre out in the harbour.
The presentation showed remarkable insight to the needs of Docklands and there will be a summary of this presentation available to anyone who is interested. Just contact Docklands News.
The Docklands Arts Laughs and Blues Festival comes to Docklands October 3-7 and coincides with the monthly distribution of this informative paper you are reading. There is something for everyone from arts, comedy, theatre, cabaret and music. The Blues Festival Sunday will feature amazing live blues music at a number of venues around NewQuay, Waterfront City and Harbour Town. There will also be the regular Docklands Sunday Market.
The Docklands Community Forum has commenced its regular meetings. This forum represents an opportunity for all Docklanders to attend and hear what is being proposed for Docklands.
Come along and lend your support. The future of Docklands is the hands of those who live and work here. Let’s take up the challenge.
Docklands is Beautiful!

The mystery case of Australia Day fireworks in Docklands