Columns » Good News Bill

A reflection on Docklands’ history
A reflection on Docklands’ history as autumnal leaves begin to fall, the days grow shorter and Victoria Harbour, like a gigantic mirror, reflects the mood of the changing seasons with aplomb.
The good news in Docklands continued as we celebrated Melbourne’s 180th birthday on the water!
It had rained pretty much all week and the weather forecast predicted a chance of rain. The day arrived and it was overcast. But as the clock ticked on to 11am the clouds parted and the sun came out, bringing a glorious day to Docklands – as it often does.
Read MoreDocklands maritime heritage revival
Reporting from the Chamber of Commerce
Read MoreGreetings to all Docklanders, whether you live, work or play here.
Reporting from the Chamber of Commerce
Read MoreThe year is passing by very quickly as we look forward to May and all the challenges ahead.
Reporting from the Chamber of Commerce
Read MoreMarch has marched on and I could not help notice how many birthdays there were!
Reporting from the Chamber of Commerce
Read MoreIt is March already and how good was February in Docklands?
Reporting from the Chamber of Commerce
Read MoreDocklands comes alive
Happy Lunar New Year to all our readers.
Read MoreThe months come around quickly don’t they? The year has travelled fast, November is upon us and Christmas is looming!
Reporting from the Chamber of Commerce
Read MoreSeptember has been an interesting month in Docklands, and those with eagle eyes will have noticed some advances being made on the wheel!
Reporting from the Chamber of Commerce
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Greetings to all Docklanders, whether you live, work or play here.