Get off the couch and onto the court
Melbourne Netball director Clare Heasly is looking for Docklanders to form a mixed netball team.
She said if enough men and women rang her this month to play she would give the new Docklands team a season without charge.
“I just want people to get off the couch and get out and start playing,” she said. “It’s a great way to get to know new people and the friendships formed can last a lifetime.”
Docklands-based worker Andrea Boielle confirms the benefits of social netball. The Subaru office worker started playing in a work team in 2007.
“It’s amazing how it brought the whole workforce together,” Andrea said.
Andrea said mixed netball was more fun to play because of the competitiveness that men brought to the game.
“I don’t currently live at Docklands but I would 110 per cent be interested in a Docklands team. It would be much closer and easier to get to for those early games” she said.
For more information, call Clare Heasly on 0419 887 719 or visit