Flash mob for a cause

Flash mob for a cause

Commuters were stopped in their tracks last month when around 60 people broke into dance on Spencer St in front of Southern Cross Station.

The flash-mob created a scene in order to raise awareness of Kinfolk café’s crowd funding campaign.

Kinfolk is located on Bourke St and is a café with a difference.

It donates 100 per cent of its profits to local and international development projects and is predominantly staffed by volunteers.

The café has been open for just over three years and in that time had distributed $65,000 to four development project, while providing training for almost 100 volunteers each year.

Kinfolk has grown and now wants to install a commercial kitchen behind the existing café, providing greater opportunity for staff and volunteers to raise money for its project partners.

It’s obtained a $25,000 social enterprise expansion grant from the City of Melbourne and have launched a Pozible campaign to raise the extra $60,000 it needs.

So far the campaign has received over $20,000 worth of pledges, with 41 days until the campaign ends. Rewards on offer for pledging a donation range from a free coffee to a private dinner for 15 people.

Visit http://www.pozible.com/project/27244 to pledge a donation.

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