Virtual Adam

Virtual Adam

Did anyone else spot the curious similarity between the photo we published last month of Greens candidate Adam Bandt alongside our election story and the photo in the Greens advertisement we ran on the next page?

On page seven we ran a story on the federal election and featured images supplied by each of the three major party’s candidates for the seat of Melbourne.

The image of Greens Candidate Adam Bandt showed Mr Bandt standing in a park, with the background extremely blurred.  

On the following page we featured a full page Adam Bandt campaign advertisement, which featured an image of Mr Bandt standing in front of a very blurred Bolte Bridge.

A quick examination of both images reveals that they were in fact one and the same.

Some clever “Photoshopping” had simply placed Mr Bandt into the Docklands scene.

One can only assume that the Photoshopped image was an attempt to connect with the average Docklander in a “see, I’ve actually been to Docklands” kind of way.

Docklands News contacted Mr Bandt’s office asking about the Photoshopped image.

We received a response advising the enquiry had been passed on to Mr Bandt’s media adviser but didn’t receive a comment from Mr Bandt before going to print.

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Meet Lucas Guilbert

May 1st, 2024 - Sean Car
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