The case of the missing dinosaur
It’s long stood guard over the northwest end of Harbour Town, but Docklands’ own tyrannosauras rex is no more.
The statue was removed in June, with Harbour Town owner Ashe Morgan citing deterioration and damage as the reason behind the removal.
“It’s returned to Jurassic Park,” a Harbour Town spokesperson joked.
The statue was a relic from a “Dinosaurs Alive” exhibition held at the Waterfront City Pavilion in 2006.
Interestingly, an article published in The Age on June 24 drew attention to the statue, with writer Oslo Davis stating “… a nearby life-size T-Rex (not listed on the public art map) is partially falling apart. Someone’s put an empty bottle of Bundy in its mouth.”
But having pulled down the T-Rex prior to the story being published, Ashe Morgan said the decision to remove the statue was not at all related to the article.