Docklands election warning
With both state and federal elections likely later this year, Docklands risks losing out because only about a third of its population is enrolled to vote.
The State Government goes to the polls on November 27 and a federal election must be held before next April, but only 2275 Docklanders are currently enrolled to have their say.
Docklands’ population is estimated at more than 6000, but no one really knows the actual number. The 2006 census found only 3348 Docklands residents. And with a 30 per cent per annum estimated turnover, it is likely that less than 1000 of these people still live here.
Victorian Electoral Commission spokesperson Sue Lang said it was not generally known that it was illegal to fail to enrol to vote within two months of moving to a new area.
She said the VEC had access to change of address details from other government agencies and utilities.
“We actually know where people are but we haven’t chosen to prosecute them for failing to enrol,” Ms Lang said.
State parliamentary Greens candidate Brian Walters said: “If people enrol in Docklands they would have a strategic opportunity to leverage their vote for better outcomes there – especially since it is a marginal seat both at state and federal level.”
“In all the various developments around Docklands there are a range of interest groups – Department of Premier and Cabinet, Department of Treasury and Finance, VicUrban, and numerous highly resourced developers.”
“If residents are not active, and able to use their political clout, their rights will be trampled in the rush,” he said.
“Enrolment to vote is one important way to have an influence, and where there appear to be many residents not enrolled, this will reduce the power of residents in that area.”
Local MP Bronwyn Pike agrees.
“It's important that people living in Docklands have a say in the governance of our community,” she said.
At the last state election, only 559 people voted at the Docklands polling booth. Despite this low number, the VEC says Docklands will have its own booth for the November state election, but the location is yet to be determined.
Of the 559 Docklands votes cast in the 2006 state election, the highest number went to the Liberal Party’s candidate.
People can enrol to vote by downloading a form from the VEC website ( or collecting a form from any post office.