More attention to the provision of trees and parkland
Firstly it was great to hear Lord Mayor Robert Doyle state that a priority of his for Docklands is the greening of our area, meaning more attention to the provision of trees and parkland. I don’t think he meant Greening politically!
Regarding the proposed new community centre and library, a council manager gave a presentation to the DCA showing the design and layout of the stand-alone building, construction of which is due to commence in coming months. It is to be located at the junction of Bourke and Collins streets in Victoria Harbour. It will contain separate areas for rest and recreation.
In response to our request, council is including space for community meetings for up to 100 people. Of course the space will not sit idle and will be used for other activities and we hope it will be available for meetings as required. Currently we usually have nowhere to go for meetings of say 50 or more as the existing small Hub building is normally booked out. The new facility will be very welcome.
To our knowledge there is still no decision by Minister Guy in relation to the MAB development plans for NewQuay Central / Waterfront City, to which council and ourselves lodged objections.
The Victorian Electoral Commission has decided against a return to a ward system for the City of Melbourne citing, in particular, concern to ensure that the central business and commercial district [CBD] continues to be not hindered by or given inadequate consideration due to individual ward issues. Community groups strongly objected on the other hand on the grounds that ward councillors were needed because they have an interest in and look after local issues. Unfortunately that is not going to happen.
I convened and chaired an inaugural meeting in April of nearly 20 chairs of owners’ corporations of major residential buildings in the CBD, Southbank, South Melbourne and Docklands, the purpose of which is to pool information and exchange views on various aspects of operations and issues affecting residents and to make submissions to governments as appropriate.
A major issue discussed was the State Planning Minister Matthew Guy’s promotion of more extensive hi-rise development. Southbank and Docklands are already being crowded with high-rise – Southbank in particular, which will have the addition of the recently-approved, 71-storey tower on the Queensbridge Hotel site. This is being strongly objected to by residents in the area, but the Government has stipulated that no objections will be allowed or considered for any development over 25,000 sqm.
Problems inherent in excessive concentration of high-rise include lack of sunlight, privacy and open space, plus the addition of wind tunnels and traffic congestion. Matthew Guy stated his vision is a Manhattan-style skyline. However Manhattan / New York is ranked about 50th in the most liveable cities of the world.
Also discussed were OC legislation, strata management, and VCAT applications. Consolidated submissions by the chairs’ group are to be formulated. The group has decided to meet quarterly with the next meeting in July.
Liaison with community groups will be a subject for consideration. There is already some liaison by reason of chairs or other OC committee members being represented on community association committees but this representation could be increased.
We continue to keep members informed of upcoming activities, with updated listings of Etihad events, Hub Happenings and separate council-approved events. Notice the replica of Captain Cook’s Endeavour is visiting Docklands.
DCA representatives attended a briefing by the Port of Melbourne Authority on its expansion plans. Importantly, the authority has advised me that the feared rail bridge is not going to happen and is not in their future plans.
If any reader would like to become a member of the DCA or has any suggestions they wish to put forward regarding activities or issues, they are welcome to contact us on [email protected] If you would like to talk to me about any aspect you are welcome to call me on 0412 097 706. You can also keep up with things on our website
Great to be in touch again.
Roger Gardner
President DCA