Local News » Maritime

Docklands welcomes British sailor Pip Hare
The Docklands boating community has thrown its arms around internationally acclaimed British Sailor Pip Hare, who departed Victoria Harbour on January 14 after staying in the precinct since late December.
Wyndham Harbour: your summer playground by the water
Nestled between Geelong and Williamstown, Wyndham Harbour is quickly becoming one of Melbourne’s must-visit waterfront destinations.
Read MoreAt long mast! Alma Doepel a step closer to setting sail
The restoration of the Alma Doepel celebrated a significant milestone in June as crews worked seamlessly during a six-hour process to erect the historic tallship’s masts.
Read MoreNews from the deck of the Alma Doepel
Have you had a chance to take a walk down North Wharf Rd towards the Bolte Bridge where the old Victoria Harbour Control Tower sits?
Read MoreAlma Doepel bunk sponsorship program off to a good start
Down in Docklands under the Bolte Bridge, there is an exciting project under way – the restoration of the “last of her kind” Australian-built, three-masted tall ship.
Read MoreOnly way is up for new Mission to Seafarers CEO
Recently appointed Mission to Seafarers Victoria (MtSV) CEO Neil James says the opportunity to commercialise its heritage-listed venue, while continuing its core operation of supporting seafarers, presents both “a great opportunity and a great challenge”.
Read MoreTimber from Central Pier’s western tip to be repurposed on the Alma Doepel
Timber from the western tip of the century-old Central Pier is being recycled to help with the ongoing restoration of one of Australia’s oldest surviving tall ships, the Alma Doepel.
Read MoreLady Cutler under investigation following crash in Victoria Harbour
Investigators will piece together the moments that led to the popular Lady Cutler showboat crashing in Victoria Harbour, which saw five people taken to hospital.
Read MoreControl tower’s condition scrutinised
Development Victoria is undertaking an assessment of the condition of Docklands’ Shipping Control Tower at the tip of Collins Wharf amid calls for the maritime heritage asset to be preserved and restored for public activation.
Read MoreBoat building gets modernised
Boat building has always been an intricately detailed process but for passionate business owner of The Wooden Boat Centre Nicholas Atkins, now is the time for a modernised change in production.
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Boating - Sea Dog