We continue to be concerned at the continuing lack of community consultation.
Welcome to our new members who have recently joined. Anybody else wishing to join is encouraged to contact Paige Jay on [email protected] who will be happy to assist.
The VicUrban presentation to our members on April 8 describing the Harbour Esplanade re-development project was very informative as we were able to spend time on the detail. VicUrban Director of Infrastructure Nic Culnane gave the presentation.
Regarding The Hub being fully booked for the rest of the year, VicUrban advised us of a couple of alternative venues for meetings.
We have not yet been able to obtain any specifics on the provision of a new community centre and other amenities.
Council has advised us that “infrastructure planning for the whole city including Docklands is under consideration at this very time and that the next Community Infrastructure Plan due in mid 2010 will include Docklands planning”.
We continue to be concerned at the continuing lack of community consultation in the prior planning stages for commercial developments and, for that matter, public facility developments.
A cardinal example is residents just having been informed of a 15-floor building construction approved by VicUrban for the site opposite the NAB.
We are now faced with more public open space being offered for sale for development. In this case the land behind the Seamen’s Mission fronting the Yarra. This land is currently zoned for Public Space and Recreation and a rezoning application would be lodged which we would plan to oppose.
As a result of our representations, council has agreed to amend some parking times in the vicinity of The Hub to eliminate inconsistencies and also to convert two bays on Harbour Esplanade to short term parking for drop off and pick-up.
A professional website firm is handling the production of our website based on our draft requirements and it should be ready in a few weeks.
We believe the application to open a bar in St Mangos Lane NewQuay has been withdrawn and a use more acceptable to residents is under consideration.
If any member or reader has any suggestions they wish to put forward about activities or issues you are welcome contact us on the email address above.
Good to talk with you again and we will continue to keep in touch.
Sincerely, Roger Gardner, President DCA