Columns » Precinct Perspective

An interesting time for the NewQuay precinct
I’ve personally seen a small increase in foot traffic but it’s a different feel. We appear to have a lot more intrastate visitors and to be honest – a lot more quiet and respectable visitors than what was occurring directly after COVID.
Taking pride in Docklands
I think it’s a fairly widely held opinion that Docklands is not what it could have been had developers not been dealt such a freewheeling hand.
Read MoreBig political changes
There has been significant change politically since my last article with the Albanese Labor Government voted in with a huge vote for Teal Independents, a strong showing from The Greens and our federal MP for Macnamara Josh Burns pushed to retain his seat by local Greens candidate Steph Hodgins-May.
Read MoreWhat no plan means for the Docklands brand
Every Docklands resident, particularly property owners, should be concerned about the chronic lack of a statutory Docklands vision. One that’s supported by a formal mandated development plan and timetable, with judicious oversight. In the absence of that, there are major implications for our uniquely convenient, city-edge lifestyle.
Read MoreGiving back to Docklands
What a great initiative from City of Melbourne and the Docklands Chamber of Commerce to provide residents access to $100,000 to support local businesses in the Docklands precinct to get back on their feet after the devastating effects of COVID-19.
Read MoreSunday in Victoria Harbour
Up to $15 available in local discounts … read on.
Read MoreOde to Batman’s Hill
Happy new year all. With life still not returned to normal there is not much happening around and about.
Read MoreNewQuay promenade: a new food destination? Yes please!
If Melbourne has sister cities – Boston, Osaka and Thessaloniki are three – can suburbs have sister cities too?
Read MoreThere is much happening
Firstly, the Mirvac 43-storey Voyager complex is being completed and residents have started moving in, with 82 per cent of the building already sold.
Read MoreEarthquake shocks Victoria Harbour!
Just when Melburnians wondered what could possibly be next; after more than 250 days in lockdown, transport suspended to avert protests, the construction industry closing down, police confronting people for exercising in groups, and “COVID fatigue” being diagnosed as a genuine health issue, we are then hit with an earthquake of close to magnitude six.
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My view of Docklands; from NewQuay